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Today, social media has become a valuable tool for businesses to connect with their audience, promote their products, and drive sales. The shed industry is no exception; social media platforms are a way to reach potential customers and build a loyal following. However, if you are going to make the most out of social media marketing for your company, it is essential to understand the dos and don’ts. In this blog, we will guide you through the best practices and common mistakes to avoid when marketing sheds on social media.

The Dos

1. Strategize

Do: Draw up a clear and well-defined social media strategy. Identify your audience, set goals, whether it be to increase brand awareness, drive website traffic, or generate leads, and plan your content accordingly. Remember quality over quantity.

2. Highlight Features

Do: Highlight the best parts of your business or products. Ask yourself, what’s my niche? Highlight that! Show off your sheds, or the behind-the-scenes of getting your buildings on the dealer lot.

3. Engagement

Do: Respond to comments, messages, and mentions. Engage with your followers to create a sense of community and build trust.

4. Ads

Do: Invest in running advertising campaigns. Facebook and Instagram are great platforms for precise audience targeting options to reach potential customers.

5. Analytics

Do: Check social media analytics regularly to understand the type of content your audience engages with the most. This can give you insight into adjusting your strategy if you’re not reaching your goals.

The Don’ts

1. Over Promote

Don’t: Constantly post promotional content. Balance your posts between informational and entertainment. Your content should provide value to your audience.

2. Ignore Negativity

Don’t: Disregard negative comments. Address issues professionally to avoid harming your company’s reputation.

3. Negative Consistency

Don’t: Post inconsistent content. This can lead to a loss of followers and engagement. Stick to a posting schedule and maintain a consistent brand voice.

4. Forget about Analytics

Don’t: Forget to remember your performance metrics. These are crucial when evaluating improvements.

By sticking to these do’s and dodging these don’ts, your social media can effectively connect with your followers, promote your services, and boost sales. Social media is a dynamic platform, so stay flexible to stay ahead in the shed industry.
Need help standing out in the shed industry, contact us. Also, give us a like and a follow on Facebook to keep up with the latest in the shed industry.